Environmental Education Commission Reimbursements

Board Reimbursement Policy

Reimbursement Reimbursement Policy: Members of LEEC may be entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses pending availability of funds. Requests for reimbursement for expenses shall be submitted in accordance with the regulations promulgated by the Commissioner of Administration in the Louisiana Travel Guide. Any person serving on the LEEC who cannot attend a scheduled meeting may designate a person in an equivalent membership role to attend as his/her proxy, as long as the appointing authori

Member Reimbursements

Name Year Total Reimbursement
Melanie Bauder -- --
Adriane Bercegeay -- --
Kevin Berken -- --
Kevin Berken -- --
Dean Blackett -- --
Joey Breaux -- --
Ashley Cain -- --
Christopher Chappell -- --
Murt Conover -- --
David Courtright -- --
Danielle DiIullo -- --
Jessica Dixon -- --
Caitlin Joubert -- --
Lindsey Keith-Vincent -- --
Pierre LaCaze -- --
Harry Lewis -- --
Diane Maygarden -- --
Robin Narez -- --
Jacqueline Richard -- --
Lindsay Seely -- --
Molly Talbot -- --
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