Law Enforcement Executive Management Institute Governing Board Members
Name | Compensation | Terms | Length of Service | Selection Method |
Anthony D. "David" Anderson | $0.00 | Gov. Appt.- Mun. Police Chief | Concurrent | Gov. Appt. |
David C. Butler, II | $0.00 | Gov. Appt.- Represents Mayor/ Municipal Associatio | Expiration - 11/13/2020 | Gov. Appt. |
Jim Craft | $0.00 | Gov. Appt.- Exec. Director of LA Comission on Law | Ex-Officio | Gov. Appt. |
Richard M. Martin | $0.00 | Gov. Appt.; Certified Municipal Police Chief | Expiration - 10/19/2025 | Gov. Appt. |
Christopher J. Wilrye | $0.00 | Gov. Appt. - LA Assn. of Chiefs of Police | Concurrent | Gov. Appt. |