Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board Members

Name Compensation Terms Length of Service Selection Method
Edgar Benoit $4,116.00 2018-2024 5 years Gubernatorial Appointment
Linda Bergeron $5,006.00 2020-2026 3 years Gubernatorial Appointment
Connie Betts $0.00 2019-2025 4 years Gubernatorial Appointment
James Chustz $0.00 2021-2027 2 years Gubernatorial Appointment
Wilfred Fontenot $250.00 2018-2024 5 years Gubernatorial Appointment
Vijaya Gopu $1,434.00 2022-2028 1 year Gubernatorial Appointment
Reggie Jeter $0.00 2019-2025 4 years Gubernatorial Appointment
Gordon Nelson $0.00 2023 - 2029 1st year Gubernatorial Appointment
Byron Racca $0.00 2020-2026 3 years Gubernatorial Appointment
Christopher Richard $0.00 2017-2023 6 years Gubernatorial appointment
Chad Vosburg $100.00 2017-2023 6 years Gubernatorial appointment
Janice Williams $2,786.00 2021-2027 2 years Gubernatorial Appointment
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