Amite River Basin Drainage and Water Conservation District Board of Commissioners Members

Name Compensation Terms Length of Service Selection Method
Ben Babin $100.00 Expired 5/6/13 - 3/22/22 resigned Appointed by Governor Concurrent
Lionel Bailey Sr $0.00 Concurrent with governor 1/1/23-12/31/26 Appointed by Governor Concurrent
Ryan Byrd $0.00 Ex Officio 2/1/24 - until replaced Parish President/Ex-officio
Robert Carter $0.00 Expired 1/1/23-1/17/24 Parish President or designee
John Clark $0.00 Ex Officio 1/1/23-until replaced Parish President Designee/Ex Officio
Clint Cointment $0.00 Ex Officio 1/1/23-until replaced Parish President/Ex Officio
Kenneth Dawson $0.00 Concurrent with Governor 8/18/23-6/3/24 Expired 6/3/24
Randy Delatte $0.00 Ex Officio 1/8/24-until replaced Parish President Designee/Ex Officio
Peter Dufresne $0.00 Ex-officio 2/8/23 - until replaced Parish President/Ex-officio
S. Brin Ferlito $0.00 Concurrent with Governor 1/1/23-12/31/26 Appointed by Governor
LeeAnn Fitch $0.00 Concurrent with Governor 1/1/23-5/17/24 Expired 5/17/24
Mark Harrell $0.00 Concurrent with Governor 6/14/24-12/31/27 Appointed by the Governor
Jack Harris $0.00 Concurrent with Governor 1/1/23-12/31/26 Appointed by Governor Concurrent
Douglas Hillensbeck $100.00 Expired 5/16/22 - 12/31/22 Appointed by Governor
David Hoover $100.00 Expired 5/6/16-12/31/22 Appointed by Governor Concurrent
Felicia Lee $100.00 Expired 10/16/2020 -12/31/22 Appointed by Governor Concurrent
Willie George Lee $100.00 Expired 9/27/16-6/10/21 Appointed by Governor Concurrent
James Little $100.00 Expired 5/13/16-12/31/22 Appointed by Governor Concurrent
Angela Machen $100.00 Expired 10/16/2020 - 12/31/22 Appointed by Governor Concurrent
Matt Milazzo $0.00 Expired 1 year, 10 months Appointed by Governor Concurrent
Gary O'Neal $0.00 Concurrent with Governor 1/1/23-12/31/24 Appointed by Governor
Edwin Parker $0.00 Ex Officio 1/1/23-until replaced Parish President Designee/Ex Officio
Fred Raiford $0.00 Ex Officio 1/1/23-until replaced Parish President Designee/Ex Officio
Joseph Shelton $0.00 Expired 1/1/23-6/6/23 Appointed by Governor
Richard St. Pierre $0.00 Expired 1/1/23-2/8/23 Parish President Designee/Ex Officio
Jerry Thibeau $100.00 Expired 5/6/16- 5/20/2021 Appointed by Governor Concurrent
Larry Thomas $100.00 Expired 5/13/16-1/19/22 resigned Appointed by Governor Concurrent
Donald Thompson $100.00 Expired 9/29/16-12/31/22 Appointed by Governor Concurrent
Tamiara Wade $100.00 Expired 10/4/16 -10/16/2020 Appointed by Governor Concurrent
Kenneth Welborn $100.00 Expired 6/17/16 - 9/13/22 Appointed by Governor Concurrent
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