South Tangipahoa Parish Port Commission Members

Name Compensation Terms Length of Service Selection Method
Timothy DePaula $0.00 06/07/2022 07/01/2028 (D) Gov; Ponchatoula Chamber of Commerce
Daryl A. Ferrara $0.00 07/02/2022 07/01/2028 (A) Governor; Represents Senator Dist. 6
Tina L. Roper $0.00 8/09/2024 07/01/2029 (F) Governor, Tangi Economic Development Foun
Rhonda S. Sheridan $0.00 03/31/2023 07/01/2027 Governor; House of Rep District 73
J William Sims $0.00 09/09/2022 07/01/2028 Governor; Tangipahoa Chamber
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