Madison Parish Economic and Industrial Development District Board of Commissioners
Name | Madison Parish Economic and Industrial Development District Board of Commissioners |
Contact Person | The Honorable Jane Gladys Sanders - President, Madison Parish Police Jury |
Mailing Address |
100 North Cedar Street Courthouse Building Tallulah, LA 71282 |
Phone Number | 318-574-3451 |
Fax Number | 318-574-3122 |
Board Email | |
Website | -- |
Legal Authority | R.S. 33:130.442 |
Year Created | 2010 |
Organizational Placement | N/A |
Purpose/Function | The district was created to promote and encourage agricultural, economic, and industrial development and tourism opportunities, stimulating the economy through renewed commerce, industry, research, and tourism, and for the utilization and development of natural and human resources of the area by providing job opportunities and economic growth. |
Number of Entity Members: |
Number Authorized: 5
Number Currently Serving: 5 |
Number of Entity Meetings: |
Actual number in prior year: 1
Estimated number in current year: 2 |
The Entity is: Active Inactive Not fully organized Disbanded Never fully organized |
Do members receive per diem, salaries, and/or travel expense reimbursements? Yes No |
Excluding member per diem, salaries, and travel expense reimbursements, does the entity receive or expend funds? Yes No |
Entity Member Per Diem: Amount Authorized: $0 per meeting per meeting day per day spent on board business None |
Total entity member per diem: Prior year actual: $0.00 Current year budgeted: $0.00 |
Entity Member Salaries: Prior year actual: $0.00 Current year budgeted: $0.00 |
Entity Member Travel Expense Reimbursement: Prior year actual: $0.00 Current year budgeted: $0.00 |
Number and Type of Authorized Employee Positions: Classified: 0 Unclassified: 0 Part-time: 0 |
Entity Fiscal Year End: 4/30 7/31 10/31 Other (identify date) 6/30 9/30 12/31 None |
Participation in State Employee Benefit Programs: Employees: participate in state retirement system(s) and/or state group insurance program(s) do not participate in state benefit programs Members: participate in state retirement system(s) and/or state group insurance program(s) do not participate in state benefit programs |
A state agency provides: (Check all that apply and identify the state agency)
Per Diem Payments State Agency: Travel Reimbursements State Agency: Other (explain) State Agency: |
Is this entity a budget unit or included within a budget unit of the State of Louisiana as defined by LSA-R.S. 39:2? Yes No If yes, identify the budget unit and the budget schedule number below: Budget Unit Name: Budget Schedule Number: |
Notes | The Madison Parish Economic and Industrial Development District Board of Commissioner has been inactive because the current environment has prevented the ability to meet, plan, strategize and accomplish any goals that might have been established by the Board. The newly appointed members to the Board have made a commitment to pursue, strategize, set goals, and accomplish all that has been set forth in the program's initial goals and program objectives. ** April 29, 2022: The Board is in the process of developing its current budget and will input/report as soon as it's complete. The following speaks directly to the Budget of the Madison Parish Economic and Industrial Development District's current Budget status: The current Board inherited a fund balance of $5001.68 from the previous Administrative Board which has been deposited in an account at Tensas State Bank on Johnson Street in Tallulah, LA. The balance has remained the same as there have been no deposits/withdrawals from account since being set up. The original intent of the account was to develop and/or pursue opportunities that were to enhance the potential recruitment tolls, to include businesses of all types for the organization. However, the budgeting process was not accomplished and stalled because of the lack of the identity of a process/tool of development. The Board's goal for the fiscal year is to identify and develop a budget that sets as its goal: 1. Development of a website for the organization 2. Advertisements and publications 3. Brochures and other program literature 4. Also develop a fund raising plan via support of the governing bodies and other organizations via grants, solicitations and involvement of those and other organizations. These are the tools which the re-engaged Board will actively be pursuing as its asked to ac |