State Board of Architectural Examiners
Name | State Board of Architectural Examiners |
Contact Person | Tyson Ducote - Executive Director |
Mailing Address |
9625 Fenway Avenue Suite B Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1592 |
Phone Number | 225-925-4802 |
Fax Number | 225-925-4804 |
Board Email | |
Website | |
Legal Authority | R.S. 37:142 |
Year Created | 1910 |
Organizational Placement | Office of the Governor |
Purpose/Function | The Board is responsible for granting licenses and regulating the practice of architecture in the State of Louisiana. The mission of the Board is to safeguard life, health, and property and to promote public welfare through regulation of the practice of architecture. In doing this, the Board has established and identified standards and programs for the licensure and credentialing of architects and their firms. It is the board’s objective to ensure that the practice of architecture is reserved for those individuals and firms who have the proper qualifications and have been registered by this board. |
Budget Message | LSBAE funding is 100% self-generated. We rely on fees from applicants and renewal fees from architects and architectural firms. |
Number of Entity Members: |
Number Authorized: 7
Number Currently Serving: 7 |
Number of Entity Meetings: |
Actual number in prior year: 5
Estimated number in current year: 5 |
The Entity is: Active Inactive Not fully organized Disbanded Never fully organized |
Do members receive per diem, salaries, and/or travel expense reimbursements? Yes No |
Excluding member per diem, salaries, and travel expense reimbursements, does the entity receive or expend funds? Yes No |
Entity Member Per Diem: Amount Authorized: $161 per meeting per meeting day per day spent on board business None |
Total entity member per diem: Prior year actual: $14,229.00 Current year budgeted: $18,800.00 |
Entity Member Salaries: Prior year actual: $0.00 Current year budgeted: $0.00 |
Entity Member Travel Expense Reimbursement: Prior year actual: $16,504.00 Current year budgeted: $20,000.00 |
Number and Type of Authorized Employee Positions: Classified: 2 Unclassified: 2 Part-time: 1 |
Entity Fiscal Year End: 4/30 7/31 10/31 Other (identify date) 6/30 9/30 12/31 None |
Participation in State Employee Benefit Programs: Employees: participate in state retirement system(s) and/or state group insurance program(s) do not participate in state benefit programs Members: participate in state retirement system(s) and/or state group insurance program(s) do not participate in state benefit programs |
Notes |