North Lafourche Conservation, Levee, and Drainage District Board of Commissioners

Name North Lafourche Conservation, Levee, and Drainage District Board of Commissioners
Contact Person Katie DeRoche - Executive Assistant
Mailing Address P.O. Box 309
Thibodaux, LA 70302-0309
Phone Number 985-537-2244
Fax Number 877-272-4021
Board Email
Legal Authority LA R.S. 38:291 T
Year Created 1992
Organizational Placement Boards and Commissions
Purpose/Function Responsible for improving flood protection and drainage from the Intracoastal Waterway in Larose to the northern edge of Lafourche Parish.
Number of Entity Members: Number Authorized: 11
Number Currently Serving: 11
Number of Entity Meetings: Actual number in prior year: 29
Estimated number in current year: 30
The Entity is:
Active   Inactive   Not fully organized   Disbanded   Never fully organized
Do members receive per diem, salaries, and/or travel expense reimbursements?
Yes   No
Excluding member per diem, salaries, and travel expense reimbursements, does the entity receive or expend funds?
Yes   No
Entity Member Per Diem:
  Amount Authorized: $75      per meeting   per meeting day   per day spent on board business   None

Total entity member per diem:
  Prior year actual: $6,650.00
  Current year budgeted: $10,500.00
Entity Member Salaries:
  Prior year actual: $0.00
  Current year budgeted: $0.00
Entity Member Travel Expense Reimbursement:
  Prior year actual: $1,175.00
  Current year budgeted: $2,100.00
Number and Type of Authorized Employee Positions:
Classified: 0
Unclassified: 6
Part-time: 0
Entity Fiscal Year End:
4/30         7/31         10/31         Other (identify date)
6/30         9/30         12/31         None
Participation in State Employee Benefit Programs:
       participate in state retirement system(s) and/or state group insurance program(s)
       do not participate in state benefit programs

       participate in state retirement system(s) and/or state group insurance program(s)
       do not participate in state benefit programs
A state agency provides: (Check all that apply and identify the state agency)
Per Diem Payments          State Agency:
Travel Reimbursements    State Agency:
Other (explain)    State Agency:
Is this entity a budget unit or included within a budget unit of the State of Louisiana as defined by LSA-R.S. 39:2?
   Yes    No
  If yes, identify the budget unit and the budget schedule number below:
  Budget Unit Name:
  Budget Schedule Number:
Notes 04/10/2020 - NLCLDD has December 31 as the fiscal year-end. The 2019 budget is the final revised budget. The actuals for 2019 are PRIOR to completion of the 2019 LLA audit.

08/25/2020 - The Actuals for 2019 have been adjusted to reflect the LLA audit report (Total Government Funds) figures.

1/21/2021 - NLCLDD has December 31 as the fiscal year-end. The 2020 budget is the final revised budget. The actuals for 2020 are PRIOR to completion of the 2020 LLA audit.

01/27/2022 - Data entry was reopened for the FY21 so that the 2020 Actuals as per the audit report could be entered. The audit numbers were not entered prior to Oct 2021 due to Hurricane Ida interrupting normal operations. The Beginning Fund Balance was corrected as well due to the previous Beg Fund Bal being incorrect since it was taken from the in-house Budget which is strictly the Cash Balance instead of the Total Government Funds Fund Balance as per the annual audit report and previous reporting at this site.

08/03/2022 - The Actuals for 2021 have been adjusted to reflect the LLA audit report (Total Government Funds) figures.

1/24/2023 - NLCLDD has December 31 as the fiscal year-end. The 2022 budget is the final revised budget. The actuals for 2022 are PRIOR to completion of the 2022 LLA audit.

08/04/2023 - The Actuals for 2022 have been adjusted to reflect the LLA audit report (Total Government Funds) figures.

1/31/2024 - NLCLDD has December 31 as the fiscal year-end. The 2023 budget is the final revised budget. The actuals for 2023 are PRIOR to completion of the 2023 LLA audit.

08/23/2024 - The Actuals for 2023 have been adjusted to reflect the LLA audit report (Total Government Funds) figures.

1/31/2025 - NLCLDD has December 31 as the fiscal year-end. The 2024 budget is the final revised budget. The actuals for 2024 are PRIOR to completion of the 2023 LLA audit.
LaTrac was developed by the Louisiana Office of Technology Services.