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Bids by Department

Non State - City of New Orleans

To view or print the bid document, click on the bid number below. Any subsequent addenda will also be available via this website. If an addendum has been issued, it will be located directly under the bid being modified and will be designated as an addendum. Solicitations for Statewide Term Contracts are in RED.

It is the bidder's responsibility to ensure that all addenda have been reviewed and, if need be printed, signed, and returned.

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Bid Number Description Date Issued Bid Open Date/Time Help
123461-4102 Language Access Pilot Program - Consultant Services
More Information: City of New Orleans Supplier Portal
Original: 123461-4102
09/24/2024 10/29/2024
4:00:00 PM CT
123461-4100 DPW730 - Lincoln Beach Parking Lot Maintenance
Original: 123461-4100
09/25/2024 10/23/2024
1:00:00 PM CT
123461-4081 NRD279 Multi-Purpose Building at Wesley Barrow Stadium
For specs and drawings: Supplier Portal for the City of New Orleans
Original: 123461-4081
09/19/2024 10/17/2024
10:30:00 AM CT
123461-4084 RFP - USDA Forestry Grant Administration
More Information: City of New Orleans Supplier Portal
Original: 123461-4084
09/04/2024 10/08/2024
2:00:00 PM CT
123461-4063 A/E Services for PSF021 - JJIC Sewer Line & Grinder
For specs: Supplier Portal for the City of New Orleans
Original: 123461-4063
08/23/2024 09/26/2024
10:00:00 AM CT
123461-4071 ITB - DPW736 - Recovery One Landfill Maintenance (Rebid)
Original: 123461-4071
09/04/2024 09/25/2024
1:00:00 PM CT
123461-3982 RFQ - Airport On-Call Planning Consultation Services
Please view the bid in its entirety on our Supplier Portal
Original: 123461-3982
09/24/2024 09/24/2024
8:00:00 AM CT
123461-4098 ITB - Chill Water Pipe Insulation Replacement
Please view the bid in its entirety on our Supplier Portal
Original: 123461-4098
09/24/2024 09/24/2024
8:00:00 AM CT
123461-4099 Switchgear Maintenance
Please view the bid in its entirety on our Supplier Portal
Original: 123461-4099
09/24/2024 09/24/2024
8:00:00 AM CT
123461-4052 Justice Tech Modernization Program
More Information: City of New Orleans Supplier Portal
Original: 123461-4052
08/16/2024 09/19/2024
2:00:00 PM CT
123461-4058 A/E Services for the Goretti Park Playground Area and Play Structure
More Information: City of New Orleans Supplier Portal
Original: 123461-4058
08/16/2024 09/19/2024
2:00:00 PM CT
123461-4057 George Washington Carver Playground - Zone A
More Information: City of New Orleans Supplier Portal
Original: 123461-4057
08/16/2024 09/18/2024
1:00:00 PM CT
123461-4055 City Hall Annex Roof Replacement
For specs: Supplier Portal for the City of New Orleans
Original: 123461-4055
08/16/2024 09/18/2024
10:00:00 AM CT