Patient's Compensation Fund Oversight Board

Name Patient's Compensation Fund Oversight Board
Contact Person Ken Schnauder - Executive Director
Mailing Address Post Office Box 3718
627 N 4th Street Suite 2-300
Baton Rouge, LA 70821
Phone Number 225-342-5312
Fax Number 225-342-5318
Board Email
Legal Authority R.S. 40:1231.4(D)
Year Created 1990
Organizational Placement DOA
Purpose/Function The purpose of the Patient's Compensation Fund Oversight Board is to guarantee that affordable, medical malpractice coverage is available to all Louisiana private healthcare providers and to provide a certain, stable source of compensation for legitimate injured parties of medical malpractice
Number of Entity Members: Number Authorized: 9
Number Currently Serving: 9
Number of Entity Meetings: Actual number in prior year: 12
Estimated number in current year: 12
The Entity is:
Active   Inactive   Not fully organized   Disbanded   Never fully organized
Do members receive per diem, salaries, and/or travel expense reimbursements?
Yes   No
Excluding member per diem, salaries, and travel expense reimbursements, does the entity receive or expend funds?
Yes   No
Entity Member Per Diem:
  Amount Authorized: $75      per meeting   per meeting day   per day spent on board business   None

Total entity member per diem:
  Prior year actual: $23,325.00
  Current year budgeted: $30,000.00
Entity Member Salaries:
  Prior year actual: $0.00
  Current year budgeted: $0.00
Entity Member Travel Expense Reimbursement:
  Prior year actual: $6,417.00
  Current year budgeted: $8,393.00
Number and Type of Authorized Employee Positions:
Classified: 52
Unclassified: 2
Part-time: 0
Entity Fiscal Year End:
4/30         7/31         10/31         Other (identify date)
6/30         9/30         12/31         None
Participation in State Employee Benefit Programs:
       participate in state retirement system(s) and/or state group insurance program(s)
       do not participate in state benefit programs

       participate in state retirement system(s) and/or state group insurance program(s)
       do not participate in state benefit programs
A state agency provides: (Check all that apply and identify the state agency)
Per Diem Payments          State Agency: Patient's Compensation Fund
Travel Reimbursements    State Agency: Patient's Compensation Fund
Other (explain)    State Agency:
Is this entity a budget unit or included within a budget unit of the State of Louisiana as defined by LSA-R.S. 39:2?
   Yes    No
  If yes, identify the budget unit and the budget schedule number below:
  Budget Unit Name:
  Budget Schedule Number:
Notes The Patient's Compensation Fund Governing Board will meet the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 in the Heroman Board Room at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center. The address is 5000 Hennessy Blvd. Baton Rouge, La. The Board room is located on the first floor of the hospital.

For directions to the hospital or other meeting information, please contact Alicia Reynolds at (225)342-5438.

If you would like to request disability accommodations for the meeting, please contact Amber Crump at (225) 342-4275.

Special Notice: The August meeting of the PCF Oversight Board has been moved to Thursday August 8th.

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