Contract Line Detail

Contract # 4400026870   Contract Line Item # 2  
Product Category 43211500 - COMPUTERS   Delivery Days ARO 0
Material Number  
Supplier Text Category II - Microcomputers Minimum Discount - 4% Please refer to the Louisiana Electronic Catalog (LA eCat) for pricing and item information.


Contract Line Description:

Catalog Items

1-3 of 3
MDM Catalog
Ref. #
Part #
Catalog Item Long Description UOM Gross Price Discount Per
1173971 PCEPR8A71000-000
8GB 4K external computer to convert an interactive display into a computer
Each $383.00 0.00% 1
1173970 PCEPR8A69000-000
4K @ 60FPS external computer to convert an interactive display into a computer
Each $469.00 0.00% 1
1173969 PCSCBOX-CEL-4
3867U CPU, 4GB RAM external computer
Each $339.00 0.00% 1
1-3 of 3