Catalog Item Detail

Contract # 4400028237 Contract Summary Item # 5  
Product Category 45111800 - VIDEO, COMBIN VIDEO, AUDIO PRESENT. EQU., HARDWARE, CONTROL Delivery Days ARO 0
MDM Catalog Ref. Number 1183682 Effective From - to 11/09/2023 - 11/08/2024
Supplier Part Number 05006 Emergency Item? FALSE
P-card Accepted Yes Region
MDM Notes
MDM Special Instructions Please refer to the hyperlink for more information.
AGPS Contract#/Item #
Short Description 8X8 + 8 FLEX MIC/LINE DSP


UOM Gross Price Discount Minimum Qty.
Each $7,263.00 0.00% 1

Catalog Item Long Description:
    AUDIO MIXING SYSTEM: 8X8 MIC/LINE DSP WITH PER-CHANNEL, ECHO-CANCELLATION, NOISE-CANCELLATION, DYNAMICS, AUTO MIXING, 8 FLEX CHANNELS, AND DANTE Advanced Audio Mixing System- Automated 8x8 DSP mixer with 8 Flex Channels provides 24 total Mic/Line DSP I/O with per-channel echo-cancellation, dynamics, automixing, and Dante connectivity.