Catalog Item Detail

Contract # 4400028237 Contract Summary Item # 3  
Product Category 45111500 - LECTERNS AND SOUND SYSTEMS AND ACCESSORIES Delivery Days ARO 0
MDM Catalog Ref. Number 1183572 Effective From - to 11/09/2023 - 11/08/2024
Supplier Part Number 03045 Emergency Item? FALSE
P-card Accepted Yes Region
MDM Notes
MDM Special Instructions Please refer to the hyperlink for more information.
AGPS Contract#/Item #
Short Description 8X8 MODULAR MATRIX


UOM Gross Price Discount Minimum Qty.
Each $6,803.00 0.00% 1

Catalog Item Long Description:
    SWITCHER: 8X8 DIGITAL MATRIX. (REQUIRES I/O CARDS):8x8 Switcher provides complete management for SD, HD, 2K, 4K, and computer signals with advanced HDCP support, EDID resolution management, CEC signal management, USB signal routing, integrated Ethernet switch, simultaneous 7.1 and stereo audio, H.264 streaming, with a full range of selectable input and output types. Includes one-touch automation.