Basic Screen Function
This screen allows users to search for LaPAS Objectives and Performance Indicators. Users may search for Performance Indicators by PI Code, or they may search for Objectives and Performance Indicators that contain particular text.
Search by PI Code
Users may search for all Performance Indicators that have a particular PI Code. A PI Code is a numeric value used to link Performance Indicators that hold equivalent measurements. Typically, when a state agency (or other budget unit) has the same Performance Indicator for more than one fiscal year, these Performance Indicators will share the same PI Code.
Search by Text
Users may also search for Objectives and Performance Indicators that contain particular text. Users may optionally restrict this text search to Objectives and Performance Indicators for a particular Fiscal Year or for a particular department or agency within a fiscal year. The following guidelines apply to the text search:
- Searches are not case sensitive. Legislate, LEGISLATE, or legislate will return the same records.
- Searches return grammatical variations of terms. Legislate will find legislation and cow will find both cow and cows.
- The default search for multiple terms assumes an "OR": Katrina New Orleans will return records that contain the words Katrina OR New OR Orleans.
- To search for a phrase, place the phrase inside quotation marks: Katrina "New Orleans" will return records that contain the word Katrina OR the phrase New Orleans.
- To specify that both search terms should be present, type "AND" between the search terms: Katrina AND "New Orleans" will return only records that contain both the word Katrina and the phrase New Orleans.
- The text search only checks certain sections of the Objective and Performance Indicator records: for an Objective, the name and any keywords assigned to that Objective; for a Performance Indicator, the name and any notes.
- The Objective and Performance Indicator records are indexed once a day for the text search, so the search results may not reflect changes made within the past day.