Catalog Item Detail

Contract # 4400022343 Contract Summary Item # 1  
Product Category 43191510 - Two way radios Delivery Days ARO 112
MDM Catalog Ref. Number 1161259 Effective From - to 08/01/2022 - 07/31/2024
Supplier Part Number VP5430F3-LWIN R1 Emergency Item? FALSE
P-card Accepted Yes Region Statewide
MDM Notes
MDM Special Instructions For more information on the contract, please refer to the hyperlink:
AGPS Contract#/Item #
Short Description VP5430F3-LWIN R1


UOM Gross Price Discount Minimum Qty.
Each $1,562.00 $0.00 1

Catalog Item Long Description:
    KENWOOD Viking P25 Digital Portable Radio, Compact Ergonomics. 7/800 MHz Model 3 Full Keypad. Includes: VP5430F3. . Housing: Black. Full Keypad (M3). Configured radio options included in price: Immersion (IP67/IP68). Antenna KRA-32K 7/800 MHz 1/2 Wave Whip. No Charger, No Battery. No Speaker Mic. Analog FM. P25 CAI AMBE+2. Analog Conventional. 8322000002 P25 Conventional. 8322000005 P25 Phase 1 Trunking. 8326000006 1024 Ch. Conventional Voting Scan. TrueVoice Noise Cancellation. Warranty: 3 Year. Lifetime Perpetual software licensing to next radio purchased.