Welcome to the State of Louisiana's Portal for Non-entitlement units of Local Government (NEUs). As part of the American Rescue Plan Act
of 2021 (ARPA), the State of Louisiana has been allocated over $315 million from the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (CLFRF) for
distribution to NEUs within the state. The state is required to distribute a proportional amount to each applicant NEU based on its population.
Please click here to see the allocations.
Please review the state's instructions posted below prior to completing your application. The pre-submission checklist and other U.S. Treasury
Guidance has also been included for your convenience.
IMPORTANT: NEUs must complete and submit an application within this portal in order to receive allocated CLFRF funds. If the NEU
would like to decline its funding application, a signed notice must be provided to the state.
Relevant Documents |
NEU Portal Instructions
U.S. Treasury NEU Checklist
U.S. Treasury Fact Sheet and Quick Reference Guide
U.S. Treasury Guidance and FAQs on Distribution of Funds to Non-entitlement Units of Local Government
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